Pilates and Yoga Retreats from the UK

'Footprints Retreats' will give you an experience that leaves you feeling rejuvenated physically, mentally and emotionally. Our fitness Flow Pilates and Yoga Retreats will help you transform your mind-set, strengthen and nourish your body, and feed your soul with positivity and love for yourself.

Retreat Pilates and Yoga

We operate trips each year from the United Kingdom to destinations world-wide. This is a holiday experience about you and giving yourself the luxury you deserve! Our retreats will give you the opportunity to socialise, meet new friends and connect with like-minded people. You will also have free time to read, to sunbathe or just to relax in the beautiful surroundings.

Retreat Pilates and Yoga

Feed Your Mind, Body & Soul!

On a 'Footprints Retreat' you will improve both your strength and flexibility through two classes a day. There will also be the opportunity to release any muscle tension through Relaxation classes. After the week’s exercise sessions you can expect to feel more toned and sculpted. You can also expect to lose some weight (if desired) due to the combination of healthy clean-eating and exercise.